At Miami Hedgehog Rescue, we also offer grooming services. Pamper your hedgehog with one of our great bath options. We use a ph balanced castile soap that is hedgehog approved! For hedgehogs with extra dry skin, we offer a luxurious oatmeal milk bath to soothe dry, irritated skin. This option is great for quilling hedgehogs also. All baths come with a complimentary nail clipping. A topical solution of Revolution is also available for our clients as a mite treatment or preventative.
• Hog wash- $15 (Regular bath, Organic Coconut infused rinse, nail trimming, wrapped in a warmed towel and cuddled until dry)
•Luxe Oatmeal Soak - $20- We use our formulated bath soak that consists of finely ground oatmeal, Organic acv, and healing calendula leaves to soothe dry, irritated skin. (includes Organic coconut infused rinse, complimentary nail trimming, and wrapped in a warmed towel and cuddled until dry)
•Hedgie Pedi- $7 ( Hedgie feet are soaked in a ph balanced foot soak and nails are trimmed)
• Topical application of Revolution- $5 (Add on) You can add a topical application of Revolution with any bath package. Revolution is Vet prescribed from our exotic vet and one drop is needed once a month to rid of mites and is a great preventative. *
* I am not a vet and we offer this service as a preventative only. If you have questions about this product or health questions about your hedgehog, we encourage you to contact your vet.
All proceeds from our grooming services help to fund our rescue!